Dr. Alicia Sanchez

Director of Innovation
Defense Acquisition University
Department of Defense
Fort Belvoir, Virginia, USA

Dr. Alicia Sanchez’s Talk

Situated Creativity

Creativity can take so many forms, but when designing learning assets and experiences, the need to be creative must be tempered by a deep understanding of the learning context. Expressing creativity in design without violating the needs and wants of a learner can feel overly constrained, but context can actually lead to freedom. By incorporating new and fresh design ideas without violating the affordances and expectations of our learners, we as designers can enhance the learning experience. I'll discuss how we can leverage context to create situations and scenarios that resonate with our learners to maximizing outcomes. We'll unleash the creative potential by focusing on the learning through the lens of the users needs in order to create our best ever experiences!

About Dr. Alicia Sanchez

Dr. Alicia Sanchez is the Director of Innovation for the Department of Defense’s Defense Acquisition University, which serves over 180,000 enlisted and civilian personnel. Previously DAU’s Games Czar, Alicia deployed over 80 games and simulations into DAU’s curriculum while focusing on how people learn and how to position learning opportunities to yield learning results. Alicia is dedicated to the modernization of learning through the application of learning science, user-centered design and her pet studies in cognitive biases and memory.

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