Dr. Fernando Salvetti
Founder and Managing Partner
Logosnet and e-REAL
Turin, Italy
Pioneer in simulation, extended reality (VR, AR, MR, XR) and immersive learning across various sectors and industries including education, healthcare, corporations and international organizations.
Designer and developer of e-REAL: enhanced reality where virtual and real worlds are merging within an advanced simulation environment that provides both online and real world experiences (without the need for glasses or goggles). More info at www.e-real.net.
Founder and managing partner at Logosnet (Turin, Lugano, Houston). Over 20 years' experience designing solutions for use in improving organizational behavior, job performance, communication and collaboration, digital mindset—with a strong track record in designing custom solutions that are educationally effective and deliver an engaging user experience and a strong return-on-investment for the client. More details at www.logosnet.org.
In a nutshell: strategist, consultant, speaker, author and professor with a background in epistemology, anthropology and jurisprudence. Committed to exploring virtual and augmented reality, cognitive aids by artificial intelligence, visual thinking and multimedia storytelling, contextual and cross-cultural intelligence, emerging scenarios and trends.
Editor of a number of books and author of many papers, among his latest engagements as speaker there are TLIC2022, IMSH2022, GWU Mobile Learning2022, SESAM2022, SIMMED2022, the Harvard Center for Medical Simulation in Boston, the Global Thinkers Forum in London, , the Italian Air Force Annual Meeting on Leadership, etc.